Abstract Submission & Review

Are you tired of managing hundreds of abstract submissions by editing a spreadsheet, or worse, by receiving hundreds of emails?

Meeting Perfect offers an online database-driven abstract submission solution that is customized to your requirements. Our online system automates all aspects of the abstract submission process, including collecting, managing, reviewing, and publishing abstracts.

Collecting Abstracts

Users can submit, view and revise submissions using a custom abstract submission form. The system supports multiple submissions per account, file upload, email notifications, and payment processing.

Managing Abstracts

Administrator screens give your staff the ability to view submission and submitter data online in real time. Changes can be made to individual abstracts and submissions can be withdrawn (removed) or added. Submission data can be exported into CSV (Excel-compatible) format.

Reviewing Abstracts

Our online abstract review system automates the process of reviewing for approval or rejection. Abstracts are assigned to an individual, or multiple reviewers who are given a login that allows them to view, comment on, rate, and approve/reject abstracts in their queue. Reviews can be blind (reviewer doesn't know who the author/submitter is) and/or anonymous (reviewers can't see other reviewers ratings/comments).

Publishing Abstracts

Abstract submissions can be listed on your meeting website upon submission or approval. You can determine which data fields from the submission appears on the public website.

Our system includes a process for converting your online data into a clearly-organized conference program. For more information, please seeĀ Program Publication.



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